Strategies to address school needs
Provide opportunities for all children, including subgroups of students, to meet the challenging Missouri Learning Standards.
Description of how strategies will be provided
The district provides a variety of opportunities for student success. Our preschool program is available at two district buildings. This program provides services to 46 at-risk students. We are staffed with 3 certified teachers and 3 paraprofessionals. This program prepares students for kindergarten. The preschool program identifies weaknesses and learning gaps for these disadvantaged students. Instructional strategies and methods are used so these students may begin entry level kindergarten on an equal education level. The district also incorporates Reading Plus, pull out/push in program for mathematics and ELA, Parents As Teachers meetings, screenings, and home visits with parents, before and after school tutoring, Saturday school, advisory/seminar periods each day at the junior high and high school level, etc.
Use methods and instructional strategies that strengthen the academic program in the school.
Description of how strategies will strengthen…
Teachers and paraprofessionals work together to provide small group instruction, individual instruction, and classroom peer tutoring according to student needs and the requirements of common assessments. Instructional activities are used in accordance with the district curriculum and the Missouri Learning Standards. These methods allow students to succeed and continue on their educational learning path.
Help provide an enriched and accelerated curriculum.
Description of how strategy will provide…
The district will foster relationships to ensure all students have the opportunity to reach the college/career goals he/she wishes to pursue. Distance learning opportunities will be available to students through area vocational-technical programs, ITV courses in foreign language, Advanced Placement courses, articulation agreements with colleges/universities, and college dual-credit courses. Students throughout the district have access to technology usage daily in the classroom setting, the library-media centers, and computer labs. The Greenville Elementary curriculum will include career exploration activities at grades 5 and 6. Greenville High School curriculum will include units on careers in which career software and internet research will be used to investigate career possibilities.
Address the needs of all children in the school, but particularly the needs of those at risk of not meeting the Missouri Learning Standards.
Description of how strategies will be addressed:
The district has at-risk students who may require differentiated instructional methods. Our district offers several options for these students. Services include two certified school counselors (one for elementary students and one for junior high/high school students), out-source counseling needs when necessary to provide specialized mental and emotional counseling, A+ tutoring services in which high school students not only tutor, but function as mentors to younger students, Reading Plus program, Saturday school (functions as homework assistance and attendance recovery program, pull in/push out program for elementary and junior high students needing extra assistance for mathematics and ELA, Missouri Options program for high school students at-risk of not graduating, and NOVA (individualized technology-based credit recovery program for high school students needing classes in order to graduated).
Professional development activities that address the prioritized needs
Describe activities:
The district offers several professional development services such as off-campus conferences throughout the state of Missouri, implementation and continued training for School Wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (SW-PBIS) at the elementary level, departmental and grade-level collaboration in-service days provided by the district, technological integration in classrooms directed by our technology administrator, information is disseminated for advanced college course work, seminars/workshops, and implementation and continued training for Missouri Model Districts.
Activities to recruit and retain effective teachers, particularly in high need subjects
Describe activities:
Our district takes all possible legal channels to recruit/retain highly qualified teachers. Position openings are posted internally throughout each building, utilizing MO Teaching Jobs website, contact with local colleges and universities, and advertisements through local newspapers.
Strategies for assisting preschool children in the transition from early childhood education programs to local elementary school programs.
Describe activities:
The district hosts Kindergarten Transition Days in which students and parents are introduced to kindergarten teachers, tour kindergarten classrooms, are given informational packets regarding needs/expectations for kindergarten, and take a short ride on a school bus to familiarize themselves with the rules/regulations of bus transportation.