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Comprehensive School
Improvement Plan

School District Vision

The Greenville R-II School District will provide the opportunity for all students to reach their full potential so they will become productive citizens.

School District Mission

The Greenville R-II School District will provide opportunity through education by offering a rigorous curriculum in all schools, developing character, and providing guidance so that all students may graduate college and/or career ready.

Values and Beliefs

Core Values:

• Potential
• High Expectations
• Accountability
• Safety
• Responsiveness


Every student deserves the opportunity to achieve his or her potential.

In order to ensure all students have the opportunity to reach their potential the Greenville R-II School District will:
• Ensure all classes/course are taught by a highly qualified teacher
• Provide Differentiated Instruction
• Make every effort to close achievement gaps
• Provide ongoing character education and teach self-discipline
• Provide ongoing guidance to all students

The district will foster a culture of high expectations.

To achieve high performance the Greenville R-II School District will have high expectations by:
• Having high academic and behavior standards for all students
• Requiring a “no excuses attitude” for academic performance
• Having an expectation of professional collaboration
• Providing a rigorous and aligned curriculum across all grade levels

The district will be open, transparent, and accountable to the public.

The Greenville R-II School District will maintain an open, transparent, and accountable relationship with the public by:
• Being fiscally responsible
• Providing effective communication to stakeholders
• Making policies and procedures easily accessible
• Periodically reviewing and assessing performance data
• Seeking community and parental involvement
• Allowing for public participation on all staff committees

All schools will be safe and supportive.

The Greenville R-II school district will provide a safe and supportive learning environment by:
• Providing adequate safety training to all staff
• Limiting public access in all buildings during the school day
• Providing for a school resource officer
• Being intolerant of bullying and discrimination
• Maintaining adequate school discipline

Public education should be responsive to an ever-changing world.

The Greenville R-II School district will strive to respond to change by:
• Ensuring ongoing professional development for all staff
• Continually reviewing and revising curriculum
• Making informed data-based decisions regarding all aspects of district operations
• Responding to public input
• Having an expectation of flexibility for all staff

Commitment to Educational Excellence


• The district has a written statement of philosophy through vision and mission statements
• The philosophy of the district is based on the success of all students
• The district’s philosophy is clearly communicated in the mission statement and applied to every aspect of the district’s operation, and curriculum in support of the school’s vision
• The philosophy of the district allows for differentiated learners so as to ensure individualized instruction


• The district is held accountable to the public
• The district honors all Sunshine and Freedom of Information Act Requests
• The district allows for public input through numerous avenues of communication
• The district seeks out public involvement through recruitment to district committees
• The district responds to public requests in accordance with board policy and procedures
• District employees act in the best interest of all students


• District programs are student centered
• The district provides all students the opportunity for intellectual, physical, emotional, and social development
• District administration strives to keep class sizes under MSIP 5 guidelines
• District programs are continually evaluated to ensure student needs are met
• There are appropriate safety nets in place for struggling students through Special Education and Title I services
• The elementary schools maintain discipline through the researched based School-Wide Positive Behavior Supports system
• The district has a tuition reimbursement program for dual credit courses and pays for all assessment fees in relation to career IRC’s (Industry Recognized Credentials) and AP exams.
• The district maintains commitment to the A+ program

Program of Instruction:

• The high school offers a diverse curriculum providing all students the opportunity to participate in various career clusters and/or participate in Advanced Placement and/or Dual Credit courses
• The district provides and supports three full time preschool classrooms
• The district provides and supports an active PAT (Parents as Teachers) Program
• The district consults with non-public schools in accordance with the law and in the best interest of students
• The district maintains a wide variety of extra-curricular activities with numerous clubs and team sports
• The district is committed to providing students the opportunity to interact with technology
• The district employs 100% highly qualified teachers
• The districts programs are planned and frequently evaluated by administration, teachers, students, and community members

• Students are given latitude to become involved with their learning, yet are provided with education across curricular disciplines

Professional Staff:

• All staff are highly qualified for their respective positions
• Staff members are required to participate in high quality professional development
• Through the district professional development plan substantial resources are allocated for professional development
• The school calendar allows paid time for professional development and collaboration
• Administration frequently plans and collaborates with staff from all departments
• All school buildings have regular and frequent staff meetings
• Administration acts as a cohesive team leading the school district in pursuit of the established vision
• The school is sufficiently staffed to offer a diverse learning experience
• There is a low rate of teacher turnover, having stayed below 15% for the past 5 years
• All paraprofessionals are appropriately qualified and supervised by a fully certificated teacher

Principles of Finance:

• The district maintains current, accurate, and detailed financial records
• The district financial resources are sufficient to adequately support the program of instruction
• The district maintains adequate property and liability insurance protection
• The district participates in an external audit each year
• The district operates with an annual budget
• All district accounting procedures are in accordance with DESE procedures outlined in the “School Accounting Manual”
• All financial records are backed up offsite
• There are adequate policies and procedures in place to protect the district against fraud
• All district employees are paid in accordance with a board set salary schedule
• The district pursues all available sources of funding including both private and federal grants
• All federal revenues and expenditures are effectively managed following the procedures of “Separate Tracking”, “Supplement not Supplant”, and “Cash Management” in accordance with federal, state, and local laws and policies


• All district facilities are clean, safe, and appropriate for their educational purpose
• The district maintains an active “Facilities Committee”
• The district employs a sufficient number of custodial and maintenance personnel
• There is a system in place for all employees to request maintenance
• Administration periodically evaluates the conditions in all district facilities
• The district operates with a long range plan concerning the addition/development of new and existing facilities
• The district strives to continually improve/replace and add new facilities based on the needs of the student population


● The District employs one full-time technology specialist and on part-time technology specialist.
● The District utilizes the E-Rate program. E-Rate funds have been instrumental in keeping our network, as well as wireless network up to date by allowing us to purchase network switches, wireless access points, etc.
● The District has upgraded bandwidth to all schools. Williamsville School received a grant for approx. $267,000 during the 2020/2021 school year to build a broadband line to the Williamsville School Building. This upgrade includes receiving a grant from E-Rate, and the State of Missouri.
● A rotation has been established for teachers to receive updated laptop computers every three years.
● The High School has three grant funded classrooms that update every three years with the district retaining all equipment thereafter. Family and Consumer Science, Business, Agriculture.
● The District is in the process of installing Newline Touch Displays in all classrooms in each of the four buildings (PK-12). All Touch Displays will be installed for the 2022/2023 School Year.
● Approximately 500 Chromebooks were purchased with ESSER Funds for use in both Elementaries as well as the Junior High.
● Approximately 200 Chromebooks were purchased with a grant obtained through Emergency Connectivity Fund (ECF) for use in the High School.
● Due to ESSER & ECF funding all students will have access to individual Chromebooks.
● The Elementary Library Media Specialist has ten Ipads for student use.
● Various classrooms have access to Ipads.
● The District utilizes the full suite of Tyler Student Information Systems (SISK12) school management system.
● The District utilizes Google Workspace for Education, Google Classroom and the entire Google Suite. Teachers, as well as students have access to Google Workspace Apps.
● Grades K-8 utilize the I-Ready Curriculum as well as Diagnostics.
● The District utilizes a Parent Portal to keep Parents informed of grades, etc.
● The District utilizes the School Messenger Program which sends alerts to parents and staff of emergency situations as well as up to date announcements.
● The District utilizes digital signage to communicate with stakeholders.
● The District maintains an Intrado Presence WebSite to communicate information to stockholders.
● The District maintains a Teacher Portal within the website to communicate information to teachers. Teachers also utilize the website to communicate needs to administration, e.g. bus requests, repair requests, etc.
● The District utilizes the Microsoft Office Suite, allowing teachers a greater choice of tools for the classroom.
● The Junior High has obtained a set of 30 Virtual Reality Headsets which will allow teachers to immerse the students in three dimensional learning.
● District personnel are committed to the integration of technology throughout the PK-12 Program.


• Greenville R-II annually contracts with the City of Greenville to provide a full time School Resource Officer (SRO)
• The district maintains a closed campus with all campus doors locked during school hours
• Each campus has a “buzz-in buzz -out system”
• There is a security camera network in all district campuses
• All staff members participate in annual ALICE training
• There is an AED located at each campus
• All staff receives annual basic first aid training
• District bus drivers receive annual safety and first aid training
• The district has annual inspections of all alarms and fire suppression systems
• The district receives an annual safety audit courtesy of Missouri United School Insurance Consortium (MUSIC)
• The district periodically (every five years) contracts with MSBA to conduct an in-depth safety audit
• There are gas shutoffs in each building, kitchen, and science lab
• All custodians have received training regarding the proper use, storage, and disposal of chemical substances

SWOT Analysis
(Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats)


• The district has an ambitious vision and mission

• Small teacher to student ratio

• 100% highly qualified staff

• High rate of community support

• The school is the focus of the community

• Historical support of school bond issues has been overwhelmingly high

• Graduates have a high rate of post secondary success

• Students are competitive and state and local levels in Beta, FBLA, FCCLA, etc.

• The district is financially sound

• The majority of district facilities are well kept and structurally sound

• The Greenville Elementary is fairly new (in its 12 year)

• The district is committed the integration of technology across all levels

• There is an attendance and credit recovery program at the secondary level

• Low rates of student discipline

• The district participates in State approved Missouri Options Program

• Staff morale is high

• Students actively participate in the district’s wide array of extracurricular activities

• District staff are committed to academic excellence

• The district devotes substantial financial resources to PD


• Students lack exposure to diverse cultures

• The district’s rural location limits access to museums, theaters, libraries, etc.

• The student population as whole needs to take more pride in their academic achievement

• Students lack exposure to career opportunities

• The Williamsville Elementary lacks a private student nursing facility

• The district’s Sr.’s have a low rate of participation in ACT testing

• The district’s graduates are as a whole are scoring less than the state average on the ACT

• The district has a low percentage of graduates meeting standards for being college and career ready

• The district is not consistently meeting the “90% of 90%” attendance goals

• The main building at the Williamsville Elementary Campus is 50 years old

• The high school is nearing forty years old and is in need of some remodeling and updates


• There is a need for increased ACT preparation

• There is a need for more career education and counseling at all levels

• There is need for increased “at risk” programs for students in danger of failing/dropping out of school

• The Greenville Elementary is in need of more remediation services at the 3-6 grade levels

• District staff needs to better utilize the district website

• There is need for further education regarding diversity

• The district needs to diversify methods in order to ensure more students are able to graduate college and career ready

• The district needs to increase efforts pertaining to improving student attendance


• The district has a high rate of poverty

• The district is geographically very large causing transportation hardships

• Many district programs rely on the availability of federal funding

• Many programs owe their success to a single person instead of the district’s culture 

School Improvement Goals:

Goal 1:

Develop and enhance quality educational/instructional programs to improve performance and enable students to meet their personal, academic, and college/career readiness goals.

I. Objective: 100% of the general education students and the specific subgroups will meet the annual AMO (Annual Measurable Objective) performance targets by meeting or increasing MAP advanced or proficient targets or by using a safe harbor, confidence interval and proficiency growth targets in Communication Arts, Math and Science on mandated tests.

A. Strategy: After data analysis, district staff will annually review/revise curriculum to maintain alignment with the Missouri Learning Standards and Show-Me Standards.

1. Action Step: District will maintain written curriculum guides in all curricular areas that are completely aligned with state performance standards and local objectives. Staff will continue to revise and modify the curriculum to address and ensure improvement in areas of low performance.

2. Action Step: Grade level, subject areas and vertical teams will collaborate to review data, discuss and refine curriculum to ensure continuity of learning, suggest learning activities and improve assessments and design, test, and then adjust lessons following assessments.

3. Action Step: Staff will incorporate scientifically research based instructional strategies that will strengthen core academic instruction.

B. Strategy: The district will provide incentives and motivational activities for students to encourage improvement in performance.

1. Action Step: The district will conduct an annual rewards trip at each grade level for all students scoring proficient and/or advanced on MAP and EOC assessments.

2. Action Step: The district will work with providers of local scholarship in order to make ACT scores an important criteria for the award.

II. Objective: The district will annually increase the percentage of graduates scoring at or above the national average on the ACT.

B. Strategy: District staff will provide instruction and guided practice on ACT test taking skills to all 11th and 12th grade students.

1. Action Step: District will provide opportunity for ACT prep classes to all 11th and 12th grade students to review subject matter that is tested on the ACT.

2. Action Step: District will inform students of ACT prep sessions at area colleges and universities.

3. Action Step: District will provide software and other resources for students to checkout for ACT subject area review and to increase test taking skills.

4. Action Step: The district will provide professional development to develop the use of instructional strategies to better prepare students for the ACT.

III. Objective: The district will recruit, attract, develop, and retain highly qualified staff to carry out the LEA (local educational agency)/District mission, goals, and objectives.

A. Strategy: The district will recruit and hire highly-qualified staff.
1. Action Step: Job openings will be posted as soon as they become available.

5. Action Step: District will interview and hire properly certified staff for open positions.

6. Action Step: Administration will seek certified applicants from universities and job fairs.

7. Action Step: The district will assist those who are not certified with MEGA exams, coursework, and HOUSSE forms.

B. Strategy: 100% of professional development funds will be spent to provide on-going high-quality professional-development for instructional staff that focuses primarily on improved instruction and is related directly and indirectly to student achievement in order to develop and retain highly qualified staff to carry out the district's mission, goals and objectives.

1. Action Step: The district will provide on-going high quality professional development opportunities that address curriculum and instructional practices related to students in all subgroups.

2. Action Step: The district will annually adopt a district wide Professional Development plan in conjunction with the faculty led Professional Development Committee (PDC) aligning district PD with the school improvement plan.

IV. Objective: Competency based career education curriculum will be implemented to meet the diversified needs
of all students and prepare them for entry into the workplace and/or continued education.

A. Strategy: The district will foster relationships to ensure all students have the opportunity to reach the college/career goals upon graduation.

1. Action Step: Distance learning opportunities will be available to students through area vo-tech
programs, ITV courses, and articulation agreements with area colleges/universities.

8. Action Step: The district will maintain partnership with the TREND Consortium providing various
distance learning opportunities, such as college courses and un-offered high school

9. Action Step: Elementary curriculums in the district will include career exploration at grades 5 and 6.

10. Action Step: The district high school curriculum will include a unit on careers in which career
software and the internet will be used to investigate career possibilities.

11. Action Step: The district will continue a program of Clusters and Personal Plans of Study to help
give focus and direction to the selection of high school courses.

Goal 2:

Provide and maintain appropriate instructional resources, support services, and functional and safe facilities.

I. Objective: The district will meet or exceed 100% of the MSIP standards for appropriate instructional resources, support services and functional and safe facilities.

A. Strategy: The district will maintain appropriate LMC (Library Media Center) resources to address the needs of all students and to meet or exceed standards as outlined in the MO School Library/Media Standards for K-12 Centers.

1. Action Step: The LMC in each school will support the information research needs of students and teachers with technological tools that facilitate and expedite the retrieval of materials as well as improve circulation and resource maintenance.

12. Action Step: An updated inventory of LMC resources will be maintained and purchases documented.

13. Action Step: The district will maintain a computerized card catalog and circulation program.

B. Strategy: The district will develop a long range building and repair plan to address future and needed improvements as required by MSIP.

1. Action Step: Regular inspections of all buildings and playgrounds will be documented by building principals and/or Superintendent.

14. Action Step: District will keep abreast of needed building and repair plans and the Board of Education will survey the patrons regarding future plans, if necessary.

C. Strategy: The district will utilize the Technology Plan to maintain technological resources in order to be an integral part of the instructional program.

1. Action Step: Equipment will be monitored and updated as needed.

15. Action Step: The Technology Plan will be updated annually.

16. Action Step: Evaluations for the Technology Plan and program will be kept up-to-date.

17. Action Step: Smart-boards will be maintained and/or installed in every core classroom K-12.

D. Strategy: Procedures and schedules will be in place to monitor: safety inspections, safety/emergency drills, accident reporting, security, crisis management and violence prevention.

1. Action Step: Annual violence prevention training, safety/emergency drills, and bus driver trainings will be
conducted annually.

18. Action Step: Building principals will conduct drills for tornado, fire, earthquake, intruder, and bus evacuation
according to requirements

E. Strategy: The district will implement programs that prevent violence in and around schools and the illegal use
of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs.

1.Action Step: The district will use survey results and school needs surveys to plan programs for
students and parents.

2.Action Step: The district will maintain a drug testing policy for students involved in extra-curricular activities
and student drivers.

II. Objective: All classrooms will have access to networked, updated, multimedia computer systems.

A. Strategy: The district will continue to add updated, multimedia computer systems to classrooms.

1. Action Step: Student instruction will focus on improved learning through the increased use of technology.

19. Action Step: Appropriate policies and procedures related to technology will be reviewed annually and revised
as needed.

20. Action Step: Greenville Elementary classrooms K-3 will have computer learning stations of 3-4 per classroom
with a SmartBoard; Grades 4-5 will be computer enhanced classrooms; and Grade 6 will have
computer learning stations of 3-4 per classroom with a SmartBoard.

III. Objective: The district will continue to provide adequate and equitable access to current instructional tools and resources for staff and students.

A. Strategy: Appropriate technology tools will be used for collecting, analyzing, and reporting data to determine the district instructional and administrative needs and to assess and monitor the progress made toward meeting the district's comprehensive school improvement.

1. Action Step: Utilize online reporting from DESE for student achievement reporting and analysis.

21. Action Step: Utilize online surveys of students, staff and parents to determine needs and progress in meeting the District's CSIP and technology plan and provide appropriate access or administrative staff and faculty to the district's website for viewing reports and collaborating on gathered data.

22. Action Step: Utilize DESE's online compliance system to annually update the progress made toward meeting the district's CSIP and technology plan and provide appropriate access for administrative staff as appropriate.

Goal 3:

Establish and maintain an environment of mutual respect and cohesiveness among and between students, staff, and community.

I. Objective: The district will establish and maintain a positive school environment for all students and staff through the use of School-Wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports at the elementary level.

A. Strategy: The district will utilize professional development funds to continue training and development of the district’s SW-PBIS program.

1. Action Step: The district will continue to support a Tier I SW-PBIS to sustain and foster a collaborative environment pertaining to student behavior goals.

23. Action Step: The district will initiate and assemble a team to develop and maintain Tier II SW-PBIS procedures to address the population of students unresponsive to the Tier I system.

B. Strategy: The district will continue to utilize character education tools throughout the district to create common language, resources, and expectations for developing productive citizens.

1. Action Step: The district will use the Second Step program to teach character education through lessons targeted at the development of social-emotional skills.

24. Action Step: The district will identify students of the month at each grade level highlighting individuals who exhibit positive examples for others.

25. Action Step: Through extra-curricular clubs and activities district programs will engage students at all levels highlighting the importance of community service, teamwork, and respect for others.

II. Objective: The district will provide adequate and frequent parental involvement activities.

A. Strategy: To increase student learning and performance, the district will provide increased opportunities for parent communication to learn about the district’s programs, services, and student performance through a variety of media.

1. Action Step: Principals and teachers will utilize newsletters, phone calls, notes, letters, announcements, parent education brochures, student handbooks, and other means to communicate with the parents as well as receiving information about their child’s progress on a regularly scheduled basis for all students and subgroups: free/reduced, IEP, LEP and race.

26. Action Step: Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held twice annually for all students.

27. Action Step: Parent Resource Center will be maintained by the district to provide parents with information regarding a variety of topics including homework, study skills, improving student performance, etc.

28. Action Step: District will provide informational meetings for parents on a variety of topics; such as: MAP assessments, internet resources, child development, etc.

29. Action Step: The district will provide extended hours for community activities such as computer classes, GED,
Parents As Teachers sessions, etc.

30. Action Step: The district will continue to support and expand the Parents as Teachers Program.

III. Objective: The district will maintain, develop, and adopt policies to ensure social justice for all stakeholders in the school community.

B. Strategy: The district will maintain a Board approved, written procedural plan which coordinates the evaluation of all programs and services.

1. Action Step: The Superintendent maintains a timeline for program evaluations.

2. Action Step: The Superintendent designates persons to complete the evaluations that pertain to their area.

3. Action Step: : The results of the program evaluations are reported to the Board of Education and the CSIP

C. Strategy: The Board of Education, superintendent, principals and faculty will comply with state and federal mandates in governing the district.

1. Action Step: The district will maintain a Comprehensive School Improvement Plan that is reviewed annually by the CSIP Committee for its effectiveness in addressing the district’s needs and progress toward reaching goals.

31. Action Step: The district will use the MO. School Board Association to keep current a set of policies and procedures to be used by the district.

32. Action Step: The Board and administration will participate in professional development opportunities to keep current of changing legislative issues.

IV. Objective: Greenville R-II School District will follow the state and federal guidelines providing leadership and representation to benefit the students, staff, and the patrons of the district.

A. Strategy: The Board of Education, superintendent, principals and faculty will comply with state and federal mandates in governing the district.

1. Action Step: The district will maintain a Comprehensive School Improvement Plan that is reviewed annually by the CSIP Committee for its effectiveness in addressing the district’s needs and progress toward reaching goals.

3. Action Step: The district will use the MO. School Board Association to keep current a set of policies and procedures to be used by the district.

4. Action Step: The Board and administration will participate in professional development opportunities to keep current of changing legislative issues.

V. Objective: The administration of Greenville R-II School District will monitor all students at risk of being unsuccessful in school to ensure these students reach their full potential.

A. Strategy: Average daily attendance of students will be computed for students in grades K-12 on a quarterly basis in order to address students not meeting the “90% of 90%” standard.

1. Action Step: The district will provide incentives and motivational activities for students to encourage improvement in attendance rates.

B. Strategy: Students Identified to be at risk will be offered placement in programs to ensure their school success.

1. Action Step: The district will annually review/evaluate dropout prevention and at-risk programs.

33. Action Step: The district will annually evaluate the effectiveness of the alternative classroom.

34. Action Step: The district will maintain the A+ Schools Program at the high school level.